The Lab

Playlist No 1

Playlist No 1

Remember when Starbucks used to sell CDs of the music that was playing overhead? I think I bought a few including several Pink Martini albums (became one of my favorites). In Seattle, Caffe Vita not only sold CDs, I believe they had their own record studio.
Michael Smith
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Press Release - Patrol Base Abbate Blend

Press Release - Patrol Base Abbate Blend

Black Clover Country Coffee Roasters announced a new coffee blend, Patrol Base Blend, to support Patrol Base Abbate (PBA). 100% of the profit made from selling the Patrol Base Blend will go directly back to PBA to support their mission of providing a community to veterans across the United States. 

Michael Smith
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Brew Method - French Press

Brew Method - French Press

Give a gentle stir to evenly immerse these grounds into the rest of the brew. Cover your French Press with the accompanying plunger (or with a small plate, or something similar), to prevent heat from escaping while the coffee brews.
Michael Smith
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Coffee Origin - High Level Summary

Coffee Origin - High Level Summary

Coffee has a long and storied history that spans centuries and continents. The origins of coffee can be traced back to the ancient kingdoms of Ethiopia, where legend has it that a goat herder named Kaldi discovered the 
Michael Smith
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